Orthopedic doctors specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. We know these injuries and conditions can be painful, so we’re here to help with both non-surgical and surgical care for:
- Joint pain and care for osteoarthritis of the hip, knee, shoulder, hand and wrist
- Skeletal injuries such as bruises and fractures
- Ligament, cartilage and tendon injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome and torn rotator cuff
- Muscular injuries including strains and sprains
- Inflammation conditions including tendinitis and bursitis
- Sports medicine injuries
- Shoulder and knee pain
If non-surgical measures are not effective in providing relief from your joint pain, we can offer advanced surgical repair procedures, including everything from arthroscopic surgery to total joint replacement.
Orthopedic surgeon Jake Daynes, DO performs a variety of knee surgeries, hip surgeries and other orthopedic surgeries for patients in Tooele County and the surrounding areas.
He has received advanced training in robotic-assisted partial and total knee replacement surgery, a less-invasive surgical solution that can result in less damage to surrounding healthy tissues. Robotic orthopedic surgery patients may go home sooner after the procedure, and the smaller incisions heal more quickly than the larger traditional incisions, meaning faster recovery.* If you’re interested in robotic-assisted total knee replacement surgery, consider consulting with Mountain West Medical Group.
Dr. Daynes also provides minimally invasive direct anterior hip replacement surgery, which is another procedure intended to promote faster recovery periods compared to traditional total hip replacement procedures.
How do I know if I need knee surgery, hip surgery, shoulder surgery, wrist surgery or hand surgery?
There are no specific set of symptoms that can tell you if orthopedic surgery or joint replacement is in your best interest. The first step is always to schedule a consultation with an orthopedist or sports medicine physician who can perform a physical exam and diagnostic testing. After analyzing your condition or performing an injury screening they can recommend non-invasive orthopedic treatments or surgery.
Some of the common signs it’s time to see an orthopedic specialist include:
- Difficulty completing day-to-day tasks without assistance
- Suffering the kind of joint pain that keeps you up at night despite using pain medication or attempting other non-surgical treatment methods
- Being diagnosed with osteoarthritis and struggling with the daily symptoms
- Having your quality of life reduced by the side effects of medication prescribed for pain management or arthritis
At Mountain West Medical Group, orthopedic specialists have the experience and technologies to treat your orthopedic concerns and get you back to the life you love.
* Results vary and robotic-assisted procedures are not right for everyone. Be sure to consult with your provider when considering any type of surgical procedure.
1929 Aaron Drive
Suite L
Tooele, UT 84074